Best Free Search Engine Submission Sites List With High PR(WordPress Ping Service Lists)

This is the time for you to submit your wordpress site to below free wordpress ping service lists which have high Pr (Page Rank) and start getting indexed faster with search engine(Google,Yahoo…). Also, feel free to check out a blog post on how to Avoid Your Site from Being Deindexed from Search engine the right way.

I have been doing an experiment with blogging and pinging, one of the ways which supposedly gets your site listed and ranked higher quicker.

Firstly I’ll explain what blogging and pinging is. Blog and ping is a technique you can use to get your site listed in search engines. The idea is that search engines like blogs because of the ever updating content, so they keep going back. By writing a blog and placing some site links in the posts, the search engines will spider the links, and pages shortly after you blog.

Pinging is when you send a “ping” to let the directories, which keep lists of blogs, and when those blogs are updated, know that you have added content to your blog. These are allegedly closely watched by the search engine spiders, so they can spider any new content and add it to the search engine which controls them.

Anyway, back to my experiment, does blogging and pinging really get your site noticed?

Well my results have been encouraging. I have tested by only using a blog as the front page of a new information site I started. The site has only been advertised by way of the blog to announce new content, and then pinged through high PR Ping Service List which distributes the blog entries to several large ping sites.

Following a week of adding content, and then posting an announcement of the new content to the blog on the front page and pinging with the listed sites, the site seems to be getting visitors to most of the sections,

Wordpress Ping Service Lists

which I can see from the log files.

I can also see some of the traffic is coming from search engines, and also a lot of spider activity can be seen on the site, where the search engines are crawling the content.

So I have to conclude that blogging and pinging is a way of getting listed on search engines, or at least of getting noticed by them quickly.

Below are the Best Free Search Engine Submission Site With High PR-Wordpress Ping Service Lists.

You can use below wordpress ping service lists to put it in your wordpress update service,When you publish a new post, WordPress automatically notifies the following site update services.

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Check Out Video Below On How to Setup WordPress Ping Service Listed Above in your wordpress Site for faster indexed in Search Engine.

To Your Success,




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