Aweber Vs Getresponse 2023 – Email Marketing Services 2023.

Aweber vs Getresponse 2023 – Email Marketing Services Battle

Today we will look on the email marketing side and see the battle between Aweber Vs Getresponse. Which is the best email marketing services and what it’s offer.

It is important to make good decisions. These decisions are usually because you have options from which to choose. Truth is, we always have options from which to choose. Yes, even deciding not to choose is a choice itself. Back to the matter of choices. To decide means to choose from variables. It is one thing to make a choice and it is another thing to make an informed choice. To be able to make an informed choice, you must have adequate knowledge of such variables. If you do not have adequate knowledge of the variables you are dealing with, you will most likely end up making a poor choice. Talking about decisions, there is one that most business owners face. This is the decision of how to promote their business.

Aweber vs getresponse 2020

In the ecommerce world, it will take more than woocommerce smart plugins, woocommerce product bundles or any other related plugins to promote your business. To do that, you need a strategic campaign. Of the many strategic digital marketing campaigns, we will be discussing email marketing. This type of marketing campaign that involves sending mails to prospects, leads or customers. It ranges from lead conversion to funnels and even notifications of an update or change in terms or conditions of services. As long as it involves sending mails in bulk for a business purpose, it is an email marketing campaign.

Talking about email marketing campaigns, two mediums have been at loggerheads for a while. Quite similar to the Coca-Cola and Pepsi kind of thing. They are Aweber and Getresponse.

These two platforms are both great for running an email marketing. They were established in the same year and share a lot more in common. They both have their pros and cons. This post is not telling you which to choose.

If you want to know how to choose the best autoresponder service go here.

No! This post is an impartial third party post pointing out the good, bad and ugly aspects of both Aweber and Getresponse. The aim is to help individuals who want to use them for email marketing campaigns to make well-informed choices. We shall be comparing them on a number of features and allow you to be the judge of how they fare against each other.

Cost of subscription:

The cost of a product or service is one of the first things to consider when making a choice. You have to ask yourself what it will cost you financially. Before I proceed, it is important to note that Getresponse is more than an email-marketing tool. Unlike Aweber, they are into digital marketing in general.

  • Getresponse Pricing:

With that in mind, here are the various Prices the various plans of Getresponse. There is the basic plan that costs $15 a month, the plus plan that costs $49 a month, the professional plan that costs $99 a month and the enterprise plan that costs $1199 a month. The more expensive the plan, the more the features. It is not just about the amount of subscribers you can add to your list. The professional and plus plans may have the same amount of subscribers as the basic plan but they offer you value added services to make your email marketing campaign effective.

Source: Getresponse

Save 18% when you pay for a Yearly Subscription here.

  • Aweber Pricing:

Unlike Getresponse, Aweber’s pricelist is very much straightforward.

  1. $19 dollars for 500 subscribers a month,
  2. $29 for up to 2,500 subscribers a month,
  3. $49 for up to 5,000 subscribers a month,
  4. $69 for up to 10,000 subscribers a month and
  5. $149 for up to 25,000 subscribers a month.
Aweber Price Comparison
Source: Aweber

You can even switch to Quarterly or Annually Subscription to SAVE 14% Discount Here.

This lists contain the basic or regular plans, both platforms provide special plans for certain individuals-students or organizations(NGOs). However, you will have to contact them directly to get such plans. The pricing system of Getresponse is not as straightforward as Aweber and I will encourage you to check my post on the prices of email marketing campaigns.

Templates designs:

Pricing is not a final factor for decision-making in this case. Another important feature to consider is their template designs.

Aweber provides you with more than 600 templates designs from which to choose. Getresponse on the other offers more than 700 template designs.

While Getresponse provides you with over 1000 stock images, Aweber provides you with over 6000 stock images.

Some disadvantage here for both Aweber and Getresponse:

It is important that certain aspects of a template are not customizable. They include buttons and icons. You cannot change a round social media icon or button to a square on. It stays that way.

It is very difficult to pick one over the other here as they both offer the drag and drop feature that allows you customize your email template to your taste. Their wide ranges of options to choose from makes it even more exciting.

Form designs:

On the aspect of form designs, Getresponse provides more colorful and customizable form template. Aweber form are good but not as customizable or fun. You can customize your forms on Getresponse by deleting or adding icons and images. Both still provide you the basic function of adding as many custom fields as you need to get necessary details. While you can adjust the width of Aweber forms to 590px, you can adjust that of Getresponse to 940px. What makes Getresponse form more attractive is the drag and drop feature that enables you to create a unique form that will suit your website just fine. Aweber’s forms are very good but they do not offer as much options to get handy as the forms of Getresponse.

Otherwise you can host or design your form/landing page in page builder like clickfunnel or your own wordpress site using plugin like instabuilder/optimizepress

Usability, User Interface and Experience:

Both platforms do a great deal of service working their users through the process of using their various dashboards. Neither of them throws you unprepared into the admin pages.

  • Getresponse Usability,User InterFace and Experience:

Before now, the interface of Getresponse was not the most please as well as their terminologies. It is no longer the same as they have made significant improvements so far. It is quite easy to use both of them as they walk you through the necessary processes.

👍Getresponse gives you access to data such as click rate, bounce rate, spam complaints and so on.

👍Unlike Aweber, Getrepsonse has a mobile app that allows you operate your dashboard from your mobile device.

👍Getresponse also gives you the ability to create surveys at no additional cost. Getresponse also gives you the ability to create landing pages as well.

  • Aweber Usability,User InterFace and Experience:

👍 Aweber allows you to customize your dashboard to your taste by adding or removing certain features, as you desire.

👍Aweber also gives you data of the various statistics.  While Aweber focuses on number, Getresponse gives you an interpretation of the analyzed data.

Responsive designs:

Receiving mails that you will have issues viewing via your Gmail mobile app is outdated. The same is goes for Getresponse as the culprit of such cases. Reports were that emails from Getresponse did not fit the view of mobile devices particularly the Gmail mobile app. That was before the beta version of Getresponse. Nowadays, both Getresponse and Aweber are on par in terms of responsiveness. You can use both to run email marketing campaigns they they will display just fine on mobile apps. In terms of fonts, Getresponse only allows the use of web safe fonts such as times new roman, Arial and so on. Aweber allows for the use of Google fonts. Getresponse is rolling out a new version of its editor that will have its current amount of fonts and hundreds of Google fonts.

Third party integration:

You can integrate Aweber and Getresponse with Google analytics, Social media (Facebook and Twitter), Paypal, Clickbank, Content Management systems, Landing page creators, Sign up forms, Shopping carts and many more (more than 100 to be exact).

👎You may have a problem using web builders such as Wix, Blogger and Weebly if you want to use Getresponse. It does not work well with them, not as well as Aweber.

👍Both Aweber and Getresponse work very well with WordPress. You will not have problems of any sort using either of them on most platforms, as they will both do just fine.

Below is Aweber Integration Apps which can be connected and working fine.

Aweber Third Party Intergration Apps
Aweber Intergration Apps

Getresponse have less than 200 apps which you can integrate


getresponse third party integration
Getresponse 3rd Party Integration

👍 For integration part, i will give Aweber a thumb up for use it in multiple platform.

Marketing automations:

Automation is very important in marketing. You will feel much better if you get a response mail immediately from a firm after filling a form than when you do not get an email.

👍Both Aweber and Getresponse know the importance of this feature. This is why they both offer similar features in this regard. They both offer you the ability to host your mailing lists, a wide range of newsletter templates, automated mails and auto responders. These auto responders will reply certain mails when the receivers of such mails take certain actions.

Unlike Aweber, Getresponse goes a step further by providing you with auto funnels and advanced automated marketing functions. With Both Aweber and Getresponse, you can even send your entire blog post via mail.

You can send autoresponders on Getresponse if your target individual clicks an action button, opens a specific mail, subscribes, reaches a certain goal or send them time-based auto responders.

Getresponse Marketing Automation -Aweber vs Getresponse
Getresponse Marketing Automation

You can also send them auto responders on their birthdays, during holidays and any other special day.

A/B Testing:

This feature may not seem much at first, but you will appreciate it if you work with data to make good choices.

A/B testing is the process of using certain mails for a trial test to know which will have the most effect. This means that you will send two different types of mails to two different sets of people. After doing this, you will observe the one with the most click rate, spam rate, etc. You will then use this information to guide how you send the rest of your mails. For example, if you send two different mails to 500 different people each, you will observe the information you get. If more people open the first mails than the second does, you will use the first mail as your main mail. It is important to note that you cannot resend the second mail to customers or leads that you already sent the first mail. This is the case where you decide to make the second mail your main mail.

👍This feature will help you to increase your click rate and decrease your unsubscribe rate. However, if the second mail has more click rate, you will send it as your original mail to the rest of your contact list. Getresponse gives you this feature, Aweber does not.

Free trials:

This will help a lot if you are still one of those sitting on the fence. There is no better way to judge these two platform than experiencing them first hand.

aweber and getresponse free-30-day-trial

Both platforms offer a 30-day (one month) trial for first time users. This means that you have one month to try both of them and decide which you want for yourself.

However, it is important to take certain information with you. Aweber will require that you put in your card details at your point of registration.  This will enable the platform to register you without fuss if you decide subscribe to their services. Reports have it that your first subscription ($9) is actually automatic.



Getresponse on the other hand does not ask for your card details if you want a free trial. This means that you will have to put in some extra details when you want to continue getting their services.




Most experts are of the opinion that Aweber is good for individuals who like to take control of their email marketing campaigns. It use of figures for reporting and analysis tells you a lot about it.

Getresponse on the other hand, according to them is for individuals who prefer for things to sort themselves out. It focus on stronger automations says it all. It is important to note that Getresponse is more pricy than Aweber and it seems to offer more services than Aweber.

Aweber on the other hand seems like a good fit for startup firms that just need the basic email marketing services. Experts tend to have a lot to say about both of them. If you ask me, I will refer you to my last point to ask you to take free trials and be the judge. Spoiler Alert😉 I Have use both of them but right now i’m using AWEBER.

Thank you and Take care,

Nelson Maimu.


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